Hornsea GC 14th October 2024


Venue - Hornsea GC, Rolston Rd, Hornsesa,HU18 1XG

date - 14/10/24 Monday

1st tee off time - 11:30 a.m.

cost - non HASSRA Y & H members £35.00

Hassra Y & H members - £18.00

Includes tea/coffee plus full English breakfast on arrival ( veggie/vegan options available ) 18 hole stableford competition.

Please note that if you are a member of this club you will play under your membership and off your club handicap.

Closing date for entries 04/10/24 - please ensure you have paid your fee by this date.

Please make payments to:-

Account name -HASSRA Yorkshire and the Humber Golf Society

Account No. - 32081928

Sort code - 52-30-11

use your name plus Hornsea as reference please

Neil Farmery

Secretary Y & H GS

