You can enjoy all the benefits of HASSRA if you currently or have ever worked for the Department of Health & Social Care or the Department for Work and Pensions or one of their executive agencies or contractors working on departmental business.

Eligibility now includes NHS Staff and anybody who works in the same place as any qualifying employees.

If you have been a member of HASSRA in the past, but your membership has lapsed, you can join HASSRA again. You need only select your application type and click the Join button below.

Once your new member application has been approved, you will receive an email within 24 hours giving details of how to claim your Free Cinema Ticket.

Select your application type from the two options below depending on your circumstances:

Members who pay from salary/pension

Please select this option if you work for DWP or any other employer that takes HASSRA membership deductions from your salary. If you are unsure if your employer takes deductions click the 'Join' button and check if your employer is displayed in the “employer” field. If your employer does not appear on the list you need to pay by direct debit or credit/debit card.

  • all serving, including casual, employees of the Department of Health and Social Care, Department for Work and Pensions, Food Standards Agency, Health & Safety Executive, or any of these organisations' Executive Agencies, Arms-Length Bodies or qualifying Contractors; or
  • all retired staff of qualifying employers who are in receipt of a Civil Service Pension.

Subscription payments are taken by monthly deduction from your salary or pension.

Members who pay by direct debit or credit/debit card

Please DO NOT select this option if you work for DWP or any other employer that takes HASSRA membership deductions from your salary. E.g. DHSC, FSA. If your employer has the facility to take membership deductions from your salary you cannot choose to pay by direct debit instead.  Applications for membership by direct debit or credit/card will only be will only be accepted if you:

  • work for a qualifying employer that does not collect subscriptions directly from salary (eg. G4S staff on DWP premises, agency staff in DHSC); or
  • work for a local authority and is co-located with staff from a qualifying employer e.g. DWP, DHSC, FSA; or
  • work for a Government Department e.g. HMRC and is co-located with staff from a qualifying employer e.g. DWP, DHSC, FSA; or
  • work for an NHS Trust; or
  • have ceased to be eligible to pay by salary because they are no longer employed by a qualifying employer; and
  • are not currently eligible to join HASSRA as a retired member.

Subscription payments are taken by monthly direct debit or annually by credit/debit card.
