Awards Committee

The following summarises the roles and respon­sibi­lities of the Awards Committee (AC):

  • To consider and develop policy, guidance and systems to support the national HASSRA development fund (HDF).
  • To review applications to the HDF and to determine the level of each award as appropriate and arrange for the result of each application to be communicated to the member and their association, and, each year
  • In addition to the applications above, to review applications submitted in relation to the CSiS funded element of the development fund and to determine the level of each award as appropriate and arrange for the result of each application to be communicated to the member and their association, and, each year
  • To complete the scrutiny of the HASSRA Major Award submissions determining winners and arranging for the communication of results to all associations.­  In addition, where necessary, consider any nominations in respect of HASSRA Merit Awards and make recommendations to the Association Chairperson for consideration.
