A sample of Virgin Wines – Friday 14 June Quarry House Canteen 17:30

Virgin Wines

To promote our annual external event in September to the Virgin Wines Showcase in Leeds, I thought it would be good to sample some of their wines. We will be sampling a sparkling wine from France, as well as a white, to put those going on the Remis trip in the right mood! We will then try 4 reds from Spain, Italy, and Chile. These are all wines that have good reviews and are in the price range between £10 - £20, with some discounted.


Cost of the event will depend on final numbers, but it will be in the region of £11 for HASSRA members and £18 for non-members. Annual subs of £10 are also due for members attending the 1st time this year.

If you intend coming to this event, please let Roy Jones Roy.l.Jones@dwp.gov.uk know by noon on Wednesday 12 June.


